Your hard earned will be used with responsible efficiency to improve access and awareness for the early detection of skin cancer.
You can sponsor a friend, make a one off donation or BETTER STILL, become a monthly contributor.
every dollar will help us save Aussies from doing battle with our 'national cancer'.
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Your donation
Cover platform costs
Adding this small percentage will help Raisely, a for-purpose giving platform, cover our website and platform costs.
Donating $53.15 in Australian Dollars
Helps pay for the admin cost of a free, educational skin check in one of our pop-up clinics, tailored for high risk communities.
Helps pay for the specialist cost of a free, educational skin check in one of our pop-up clinics, tailored for high risk communities.
Is to total cost of a free, educational skin check at onr of our pop-up clinics, tailored for high risk communities. Including event costs and management.
Helps cover transport and management costs for one of our pop-up clinics. Tailored for communities most at risk.
Covers the cost of someone working a full day on the charity.
Helps us check around ten people at one of our free, educational pop-up clinics. Tailored for communities most at risk.
Is the average cost for us to find at least on skin cancer (1 in 25 is our standard) - in one of our free, educational pop-up clinics. Tailored for communities most at risk.
This pays for one custom designed pop-up skin cancer clinic. Which we can transport around the country to communities most at risk.
Helps us check around 100 people (and save at least four lives) in our pop-up clinics. Tailored for communiities most at risk.
Helps us employ an extra member of staff to improve our reach and impact.
Subsidises the cost of a researcher to work with us.
Helps us provide over 1,000 people with free educational skin check. Tailored for communities most at risk.
Will help us pilot our model for a targeted national skin check program. Paving the way for a federally funded, on-going initiative our country can be proud of, and the world will be eager to learn from.